4 - H4H News - Was Ego-Consciousness a Mistake?

Synopsis: Hope for Humanity News is a series of three to five-minute weekly podcasts designed to educate, inspire, and comfort listeners during these challenging, but hopeful times. 

Hi everyone! Welcome to Hope for Humanity News! I’m Reverend Joan Kistler.

We’ve been talking about how humanity is in the process of “waking up” – of transcending a lower level of consciousness known as ego-consciousness and entering into a higher level of consciousness we’re calling “Unity Consciousness.”

Was the development of ego-consciousness a wrong turn in our evolutionary journey?

Well, as Shakespeare said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” We have this brilliant playwright, the Creator, who has created this grand play called “Life.” In order to have a play at all, a playwright has to create a story and characters, and the best plays are the ones with a variety of different characters and many challenges to overcome.

Each character may have his or her own story in the play, but his or her story still contributes something valuable to theme of the play. In this grand play called Life, our character is our “self.” Those of you who have ever done any acting know that the best way to perform a role is to really “get into” your character by imagining how he or she would think, feel, and act given his or her disposition.

One time, I was in a play about a girl who went to a new school, but she had trouble making friends. In one scene, she got angry and stormed off the stage. Once I got backstage, the director took one look at me, laughed, and said, “OK Joan, you can stop being angry now!”

Yeah, it’s so easy to take our “starring role” a little too seriously – so seriously that we get swallowed up by this “self,” and we forget who’s really playing the part – Essence.

For humanity, growth in consciousness is the theme of Life. And yes, sometimes growth can be painful. It is Creator’s desire for humanity to awaken to its presence as Essence in all creation, to re-unite our will with the Creator’s, and to consciously wield our co-creative power: the power of Love.

In this world of duality, we can’t realize who we are without experiencing who we are not. The ego provides this contrast. But it’s time to wake up already! The good news is that we are in the process of waking up with plenty of help from the cosmos.

What help are we getting from the cosmos?

Tune in next week!


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