3- H4H News: What is Unity Consciousness?

Synopsis: Hope for Humanity News is a series of three to five-minute weekly podcasts designed to educate, inspire, and comfort listeners during these challenging, but hopeful times.

Hi everyone! Welcome to Hope for Humanity News! I’m Reverend Joan Kistler.

At the end of our last broadcast, we talked about the part of us that thinks that we are these physical bodies and the voice in the head, and how this “ego-consciousness” is like a naive child that needs to be placed under the supervision of Unity Consciousness.

But what is Unity Consciousness? You might have already heard of it by its other names: Christ Consciousness (or the Mind of Christ),” and “Buddha Mind.”

In a previous broadcast, I compared consciousness to a canvas. Imagine if the artist could animate each form on the canvas and infuse it with its consciousness so that the artist could experience its masterpiece through each unique form?

That is what our Creator did. Our Creator placed its spark within us. This spark is known as Essence. The Consciousness of Essence, or Unity Consciousness, is fully aware of our true identity as One with All of Life and works out of that awareness.

We may experience ourselves as separate from our Creator, from the Earth, and from one another, but we can’t separate ourselves from the Unity of Life any more than a form can say, “See ya!” and rip itself from the artist’s canvas.

So, Essence is always with us and communicates with us as that intuitive connection I talked about earlier. Unfortunately, the constant chatter of the voice in the head often drowns out the “still, small voice” of Essence.

That’s why meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi, and other practices that get us “out of the head” are becoming so popular now. People are beginning to notice that there’s something else within us that’s very different from the voice in the head that keeps chattering away at us.

No, there’s something else that we can hear only when our minds are still. It seems to connect with us from the heart, and its messages always help us to feel better: to be clearer about things, to be more peaceful, more open, more accepting, more forgiving, and more loving.

That “something else” is Essence.

When we learn to consistently tune into Essence and allow it to guide our lives, then we have entered into Unity Consciousness because then, we have returned our awareness to the All, with the knowledge that we are eternally and inseparably joined with all of Life.

So, was the development of the ego a mistake? Tune in next week!


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