2- H4H News: What is Ego-Consciousness?

Synopsis: Hope for Humanity News is a series of three to five-minute weekly podcasts designed to educate, inspire, and comfort listeners during these challenging, but hopeful times. 

Hi everyone! Welcome to Hope for Humanity News! I’m Reverend Joan Kistler.

At the end of our last broadcast, I mentioned how humanity became obsessed with the “self,” or ego, and became trapped in ego-consciousness.

But what is ego-consciousness?

Well first, we’re not discussing the ego in terms of Sigmund Freud’s id-ego-superego personality theory. We’re discussing the ego in terms of the false “self” that developed as a result of our ability to think.

Before we developed the ability to think, we existed in a blissful state of intuitive connectedness with all of Life. Have you ever seen a flock of birds or a school of fish move in perfect formation? They can do that because of their intuitive connection.

We have that too, but as we developed the ability to think, we began to “tune into” the voice in the head more and more and that intuitive connection less and less. Eventually, we decided that the voice in the head is who we are too, so we started listening to it, and doing what it says.

So, not only did we incorrectly identify with the physical body but also with our thoughts. The body-mind became “me-myself-and I,” when it is really only a tool designed to help us function properly in this physical world. It has no clue who we really are or what life is really all about.

But after listening to it for a while, we forgot what we once knew intuitively. Instead, we’ve been stuck with the ego’s crazy ideas. It tells us that since we are these fragile, separate bodies, everything “out there” is a terrible threat – a different thing with different wants and different needs.

It says to us, “Life is out to get you! You need my help to survive.”

Sounds insane, doesn’t it? Yes, the ego is very paranoid and very selfish. Now you know the source of all the insanity in the world. This idea of “self,” or ego, has led us to experience ourselves as individuals, but it is nothing more than an illusion of a lower state of consciousness.

But when brought to the light of awareness, this “self” – can no longer take over our lives. We begin to understand that it is like a naive child that needs to be placed under the supervision of a higher level of consciousness: Unity Consciousness.

What is Unity Consciousness? Tune in next week!


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