0 - H4H News:Introduction

Synopsis: Hope for Humanity News is a series of three to five-minute weekly podcasts designed to educate, inspire, and comfort listeners during these challenging, but hopeful times. 

Hi everyone! Welcome to Hope for Humanity News! I’m Reverend Joan Kistler. 

You might be thinking, “Hope for Humanity? It’s mighty hard to feel hopeful these days, Reverend Joan, especially when we listen to the daily news.”

Yeah, I know. The news is full of melodramatic chatter these days. But despite all that negative talk, deep down inside, you probably sense that something important is happening – especially within YOU!

You’re right! Something important IS happening within you – and within all of humanity.

Humanity is evolving into a higher level of consciousness.

Now, you might be thinking, “Great! But … what does that mean?”

Well, for thousands of years, we’ve been stuck in a lower level of consciousness. We’ve been living our lives with a primitive view of ourselves: that we are only these individual bodies that decay and die. That’s a very frightening thought, so naturally we’ve been making decisions out of fear most of the time. And that’s made life hard for everyone.

We think we are a human being experiencing life for a little while, and when our time is up, we die. Fortunately, this primitive view of ourselves isn’t true. The Truth is the opposite: we are Life experiencing being human for a little while, and when our time is up, we go on living.

The human body is just one of many forms that Life uses to experience itself in this world. We are each a thread woven into the Tapestry of Life Itself – forever joined with the Source of Life and with everything that is alive.

Knowing this is true freedom.

So, for a long time, we’ve been stuck with a very limiting and downright depressing idea of ourselves. But more of us are beginning to “wake up” and sense that we must be far more than we think we are.

That’s what spiritual masters like Jesus and the Buddha did. They woke up! They realized that they are part of Life itself, and their awakening had a huge impact on the world. Imagine how much the world is going to change when we ALL wake up and begin making choices that honor and protect all of Life?

Yes, at times, it seems all hope is lost. J.R.R. Tolkien symbolized humanity in these times with the character Frodo in his novel, The Lord of the Rings. As Frodo was making that grueling climb up Mount Doom, he felt very little hope, as the world seemed to be going to hell in a handbasket all around him. But he kept climbing, and in the end, he cast the ring into the fire, and all of Middle Earth was saved.

When we can view what’s happening in today’s world from a higher perspective, it’s easier to hold onto hope, to be conscious participants in the awakening, and to inspire those around us to wake up.

So, I want to start a conversation about hope for humanity. If you’d like to join the conversation, tune in every Sunday at 1 PM. Like and follow this page to see daily follow up postings after each broadcast. We welcome your questions and comments whether you are religious, spiritual, both, or neither.

Tune into our next broadcast as we journey into the question, “What is consciousness?”


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