Synopsis: Hope for Humanity News is a series of three to five-minute weekly podcasts designed to educate, inspire, and comfort listeners during these challenging, but hopeful times. Hi everyone! Welcome to Hope for Humanity News! I’m Reverend Joan Kistler. We’ve been discussing the difference between the ego and Essence, particularly how the ego is threatened by the present moment and therefore uses all kinds of tactics to drive us away from it – like judgment, negative emotions, and time pressures. Essence, however, longs to experience the present moment fully – just as it is – through our human consciousness. Essence rewards us with feelings of love, peace, and joy when we tune into it. Most of us would much rather tune into the love, peace, and joy of Essence than the judgment, negativity, and stress of the ego. We suggested that one of the ways to tune out the ego and tune into Essence is the practice of mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Most of us are largely unaware of our t